Thursday, August 20, 2009

Our weekend project!

We found some bunk beds at a garage sale a couple weekends ago. They weren't too bad for $50 except they needed some new paint! I wish I would have taken before and after pics, but that's ok! Ri sleeps on the bottom and Tori on top, but they wanted to switch for the picture!! I've had this dresser for years! It used to be white, so we spiced it up a lil!! I think it turned out way cute!!

My little cutie pie! One of them anyway!!!Caleb is such a good dad and let the girls paint too. I was freakin a lil, but they had a blast! Oh and by the way, anyone know how to get spray paint out of white pants??? :D

We had sooo much fun! It was a great family activity!!! And cheap too!!

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome! I love the bunkbeds with the full bed on bottom. Your girls are so cute! I bet they loved painting with dad. And sorry to say, but those white pants are officially history. LOL! Worth it!
